Picture This: Life as a Parent of Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

I discovered the film Picture This : Life as a Parent of Children with FASD several years ago. It was made in 2008 but is as relevant today as it was nine years ago.

It gives others a close-up look into the lives of parents whose children have FASD. It was created by five courageous women from Sioux Lookout, Ontario. They are all members of the Healthy Generations Family Support Program. It is a very powerful, very honest window into their lives.

This project began as a Photovoice research project. The research technique is based on the idea that when it comes to understanding community issues, the local people – not outside professionals – are the experts. It uses photography, group discussion and personal reflection to give a voice to the people who most often are not heard.

Each woman was asked to take photos that provide a look into her life as a parent of a child with FASD and to write a narrative about the photo.

The film is now available on YouTube, however you can order a copy of the DVD from Community Living Dryden-Sioux Lookout in Ontario, Canada.

The film is about 25 minutes long. It is split into three parts, with reflections and photos on: The Mothers, Our Children, and Society. I see my journey with the maiden in most of the twenty-six reflections.

I received permission from the Healthy Generations Family Support Program of Community Living Dryden-Sioux Lookout to share the quotes from the project. I have been creating graphics to go with the quotes as each stand on their own as a powerful testament to what raising a child with FASD is like on a daily basis.

It would be interesting to take a journey back and see how Debz, Bonnie, CC, Rhonda and Deyanna and their children are today. Thank you to these women for sharing their personal struggles, hopes and dreams with us.

I encourage you to take twenty-five minutes out of your day or evening to watch the video, share it and order your own copy. I am certain you will be as moved as I was.

And if you’d like to follow along over the next month as I share the quotes once again, please check out:

Our Sacred Breath on Tumblr

Our Sacred Breath on Pinterest


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