Day 9: Kilometre 9 wraps up Red Shoes Rock to Stop FASD on FASDay

Throughout the last 9 days I have walked at least a kilometre a day and took pictures of my red sneakers in and around various spots and shared the pictures with my friends via Facebook and on social media (WordPress, Twitter, Tumblr). I have also shared posts and commented here and there on other posts from other organizations and people who were promoting either Red Shoes Rock or International FASD Awareness Month or Day.

Some of the posts I made were just fun posts with the shoes and some I made comments or passed on messages of support, prevention, or simple awareness. I was so excited when one of my friends on Facebook shared my post today:

Day 9 SHARE    Day 9 B

Thank you to those of you who have liked, commented or shared my 9 day journey leading up to FASD Awareness Day. I think any small step we each take to share the message about FASD is a good step! Every like or share or re-blog I received I gave a little cheer inside that maybe one more person might just learn something not known before. Maybe more compassion, understanding, support or one more child born without FASD.

A special thanks to originators of Red Shoes Rock, Jodee Kulp and the Lighter Side of FASD Blog . What a great idea. I hope more people pick up next year on this fun awareness event, .

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