Day 3: Kilometre 3: (Stamp Out Stigma) 9 kms in 9 days for Red Shoes Rock. Stop FASD.

Another kilometre walked to raise awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

Today I wanted to share information about a campaign to Stamp Out Stigma of birth mothers of children with FASD. This stigma also extends to adoptive/foster parents, caregivers,  and those with FASD.

In the efforts of all involved in talking about the prevention of FASD there is an uncomfortable and delicate element. We must be careful to not shame or blame any woman who drank while pregnant.

The goal is to educate people about the risks and realities of prenatal alcohol exposure, to prevent drinking while pregnant, encourage disclosure to healthcare providers if a woman has consumed alcohol, and support efforts to increase addiction treatment for those women that require treatment.

No judgement. No shame. No blame. No discrimination.

With education, compassion and support we will stop FASD.

For more information about this campaign and the Stamp Out Stigma campaign click on the link below:

Stamp Out Stigma

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